Stylebook Book Club - Book 11
When I was growing up, I went to a fairly large high school that was split up into distinct subcultures - goths, artsy kids, emo kids, surfers, punks, etc. Plenty of kids hung out across groups, but there were definitely distinct styles that signaled to everyone else what your hobbies were.
Style Tribes explores the phenomenon of declaring your identity with fashion and how certain pieces of clothing became associated with different music and subcultures. Today, it feels like trends only last a month at a time, but many popular items are references to subcultures of past decades. Style Tribes is a fascinating look at over 20 different groups and what clothes gave them their distinct look. After reading this, you’ll never look at the outfits at Coachella the same way again.
- Jess Atkins, Stylebook Co-founder
Comment on the Instagram post below to tell me the most helpful tip you learned from the book.
- Which fashion cultures do you think will stand out in the future?
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On the first of the month: I’ll share a new book on for everyone to read. Join our email list here to get notified about each month’s book.
The first week of the month: I’ll post on Instagram about what I got from the book and I hope you’ll share your thoughts with me there too!.
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