Stylebook Book Club - Book 12
I’m currently reading Classic Style by Kate Schelter. The author walks you through her favorite American classics, doles out advice on how to stay true to yourself, and asks a few friends about what is classic to them. I was hooked when I read the intro: “I truly believe that doing more with your personal style starts with loving (and reinventing) what you already have and buying less.”
I’m beyond exhausted with the accelerated trend cycle that has seems to get faster and faster each season. Items I saw flooding my Instagram feed just a month ago are already being cast aside in favor of newer, shinier pieces. I want to go back to basics and embrace the classic and that is what the author was reaching for as well. I love her advice to “Surround yourself with the things you love, regardless of provenance.” This book will inspire you to stay true to yourself. Choose what you like because YOU like it, not to get likes. It also makes a great case for springing for quality because there is something special about pieces that gain character with age.
- Jess Atkins, Stylebook Co-founder
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to see what others have said. The responses have been very interesting so far!
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On the first of the month: I’ll share a new book on for everyone to read. Join our email list here to get notified about each month’s book.
The first week of the month: I’ll post on Instagram about what I got from the book and I hope you’ll share your thoughts with me there too!.
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