Stylebook Book Club - Book 15
Beth Jones’s ebook Outfit Magic is November’s Book Club Selection! If you don’t already follow Beth on Instagram and YouTube, do it now! She is the ultimate thrifting and vintage inspiration with high-fashion styling that will make you want to go to GoodWill right now and try see what you can find.
Her new book covers 10 common thrift store finds along with fun, easy to recreate outfit recipes for all of them. My favorite aspect of this book is that she gives you a goal for your thrifting trip. For me personally, secondhand stores can be super overwhelming, but I know this read is going to help a newbie like me. She encourages creativity, brainstorming and even outfit planning, which I know you guys are already into because you use Stylebook!
I was originally planning to try not buying anything new this month, but I’m so excited about the new possibilities of secondhand shopping that it’s not going to be easy!
- Jess Atkins, Stylebook Co-founder
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On the first of the month: I’ll share a new book on for everyone to read. Join our email list here to get notified about each month’s book.
The first week of the month: I’ll post on Instagram about what I got from the book and I hope you’ll share your thoughts with me there too!.