Stylebook Book Club - Book 19
I can’t remember why I first read “Women in Clothes,” but it’s one of my favorite fashion books of all time. I love this book because it’s filled with interviews from hundreds of women around the world on how clothes influence their lives. Each chapter is from a different interviewee and reads like a short story. It’s like getting a window into someone’s life, but the focus is related to fashion.
I can’t recommend this book enough. When I first started Stylebook Book Club, I wanted to include it right away, but resisted because it’s very long. But these days, many of us have a lot of time on our hands, so I figured it’s the right time. Since each chapter is self contained, you can skip around or just read it a little at a time. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
- Jess Atkins, Stylebook Co-founder
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On the first of the month: I’ll share a new book on for everyone to read. Join our email list here to get notified about each month’s book.
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